Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No Pain No Pleasure: Chapter 4

As the sun rose again to shed light through Andrele’s window, it shines on the unawaken. Exhausted mentally from the previous day’s unexpected series of events, Andrele’s sleeps a little later than he usually does on a day when he knowingly has plans. Considering the fact that he had been tossing and turning the entire night, his sleeping in isn’t unbelievable. The fact that he had been wrongly hated a man that wasn’t of the character that he was accused of was seriously eating him up. Thoughts of “What to do now?” and “Can the time lost really be made up?” flooded his mind. Andrele thought of times that Pat would try to simply talk to him and Anderele would blow him off. All Pat’s attempts to better the relationship between the two of them were eventually, if not right away, shut down by Andrele’s hatred. So how are things really going to be repaired?  All that Andrele could hope and pray on is that Pat would continue to want things to be better.

Knocks at his front door awakes him.

“Not again…” Andrele said as the knocking turns into banging. “Hol up…I’m coming…Give me a second.”

He makes his way to the door half sleep pleading with knocker outside his door.


He opens the door and it is his publicist Tanya Mercy.

“I’m sorry if this is a bad time but I had to come check on you…You wasn’t answering yo phone and I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” She said walking into the loft.

Andrele slightly annoyed but understanding replies.

“Yea…I’m straight…Things are just crazy right now man…”

“I mean I understand…Honestly like how you feeling right now?” Mercy asked.

“I guess I’m fine…” he said. “But I just can’t believe…man…”

“Can’t believe what Drele?” she asked.

Andrele sat her down and explained the previous day in entirety.

“Damn boy….You were really going through it yesterday…” she replied to the story. “How you gon deal wit that?”

“Honestly right now I have NO clue…” he said. “I kinda just hope it works itself out forreal forreal!”

“Well deal wit it the best way you know how…and always know that you got me in your corner.” She said as she grabs his hands.

“I know I know….and thank you so much…” she replied. “That shit just got my mind going.” Andrele said.

“I understand…………….Hey…..Get dressed…Let’s go grab something to eat or something.” Mercy said.

“Tanya….I ain’t really feeling it...I ain’t really hungry.” he said.

“Man come on Drele…I’m not taking no for an answer.” Mercy stated as she pushes him for the couch and toward the stairs.

“Aight…Aight….I’ll go….” He quickly replies. “But I get to pick where we go cause you know you ain’t got no taste.” He said.

“REALLY? THAT’S HOW YOU FEEL?” she replies.

Andrele got dressed and the two headed out. With it being Andrele’s decision on where they would go, it kept things “real southern like” as he chose to go to Waffle House.

“Umm may I have the All-Star Special….I want my eggs scrambled WIT CHEESE and may I have sausage instead of bacon…….O and kept that hash and make it double cheese eggs!!” he told the waiter excitedly. “Wit OJ please?...O and EVERYTHING is on her…THANK YOU!!!”

“Boy you a mess…” Mercy said laughing and shaking her head. “May I have 2 sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits please and coffee? Thank you.”

“See I told you you ain’t got no taste…You come to the “Home Of The All Star” and don’t get an All Star…What wrong witcha?” Andrele said.

After the two ordered, they sat, talked, ate and enjoyed themselves. With some much business time, they hadn’t had much time to simply just enjoy each other as friends and not co-workers. They exchange many laughs and life stories and really get to know each other on a platonic level.  This had to be one of the intimate conversations that the two had shared since Tanya was hired has his publicist.

“So what is the move…are we going to do the appearance or not Drele?” she said.

“Yea I guess we will…Ain’t nothing wrong wit a lil community service…plus it ain’t like I got anything else to do…” he replied.

On arrival to the community service event, Andrele and Tanya were immediately greeted by the event’s coordinator, James Willis; a children’s right advocate.

“Hello…How are you?....Mr. Driek correct?” he said greeting Andrele.

“Yes that is me and I’m fine….How bout yourself?” Andrele replied.

“I’m absolutely well….and who might I ask is this gorgeous queen that accompanies you?” Willis said as he inspects Tanya’s petite frame.

“Ummm…she is my assistant/publicist Ms. Tanya Mercy…” Andrele said.

“Hi…what a pleasure it must be to be blessed with such beauty Ms. Mercy…I’m glad you have blessed me and this event also…” Willis said as he grabs Tanya’s hand and gently kisses it.

“Uh…such a gentleman…nice to meet you…” she answered.

“Yes ma’am…chivalry definitely isn’t dead….” Willis said. “But back to business…Andrele today’s agenda will consist of simply fraternizing with this old cidevant retirees and Atlanta’s vibrant youth….That seems easy enough right?....Right Ms. Mercy?”

“Yes I do believe it should Mr. Willis!” Tanya said.

“So if you will follow me into the conference room I will assist you in the process of getting signed in and we can begin…this way please?” he said directing them and proceeding to walk off.

“Mercy what was all of that?” he whispered to Tanya before they followed Willis.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“All that flirting you were doing...O yes Mr. Willis….You’re such a gentlemen….” he said laughing at and mocking her.

“I was just being nice…and he is a gentleman from what I just seen...Are you….are you jealous?...Green isn’t a good color for you!” she replied.

“No envy here at all….” He said quickly.

“Come on before this dude gets too far away…” she said.

“You need to stop at the refreshments first don’t you” Andrele asked.

“No….Why you asking?” she asked.

“Cause you looking thirsty as hell!” he said laughing.

“Man come on here…” she said.

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