Sunday, June 16, 2013


L O V EEE & Affection
Thats all thats needed
Depleted of this makes me miss what I couldn't give my full appreciation
Depreciation of the my sanity has me wishing that I could've jus looked past the pain of not having your heart rather than part ways with the person I wanted 2 spend the rest of my days with
A person says with time things will be fine
But as I find time past me it seems as though my last may be coming soon
I'm so caught up in your love cause all I've wanted is you
But when I couldn't get you to accept me and my love for you the fact became more true with every moment
I won't ever be enough for U
Never good enough
Never as understanding as U needed me to be
So honestly that left a hole in my heart
I began 2 find these emotions elsewhere
But now cause of my choices I must suffer as I see the diamond I wanted so bad slip out my grasp
As I sit and get pushed more and more to the left to be left behind
All I can't do is sigh
I love U with all of me
But it seems to me that we will never be again
I will always hold on 2 U cause I've made my mind up
But it seems I'm doing nothing but wishing on luck

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