Saturday, June 22, 2013

Gotta Make Her My Gurl

Ok before I begin
Let's jus agree that U can expect this from me
But good grief this chick here
I fear being in her presence
Only cause her "Perfect"ness scares me

Not scares me to the point where I'm cowarding away
But scares me 2 the point that if I miss a DAY without seeing her
We can concur that my world will be upside down
Because I've found something SO rare
I could never prepare myself 2 be without this goddess

SO modest 2 her greatness
As I state this
She will probably still never believe
What I conceive her 2 be
And 2 me that is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen
Wit a style SO mean
Attitude SO sarene
Truly my queen 2 be

If she were 2 come with me
I could guarantee that her life would be filled with happiness and jubilance
Whether its thick or thin I must endure
To ensure that this fact is true
I will do what I have 2 do

My heart is locked in on fulfilling her every want and need
I'm ready and willing 2 feed her with so much love
Ready to put all of my heart and soul
Into my goal
And that is to hold Ur heart in my hand
And make you truely understand that I can be Ur man

With one chance at romance
I will do all I can 2 to bag her heart
And make her an official part of my life
Through the strife
I must become triumphant
Come up short I can't
I gotta make her my gurl

Friday, June 21, 2013


Wish the rest the best as the stress pours over me...So blessed to see another 24 but as more and more time ticks the stress picks my brain...insane asylum...A problem in my head that has sped up my acceptance 2 the grave...enclaved by the thoughts of failure, short comings and pity my witty moments turn more into nomads across a deserted plain...Again I sit...Heart in a million pieces...the pain never ceases 2 remote end

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bed Time Special

Luscious lips
Amazing hips
Dips my mind
Into some kind of trance
Watching you prance around
The sound of your sexy tone
Romes through my head
As I lay in the bed
Waiting upon the arrival
The arrival of the "Bed Time Special"
A big bowl full of the best
And I'm obsessed with finishing every lil bit
Till it ain't nothing left
I can't help myself
Because its SO great
Got me straight expeditious
Eating this delicious nutritious mocha/chocolate delight
Enjoying every single bite
Or shall I say lick
And every stick
Of my tongue
Time among time
In then out
Up and down
Till I've found
The sweetest spot
Until I've finished all I've got
And even then
I tend to beg for more
Pour more for me please
So that I may appease
This horrible hunger of mine
Do U Mind?


L O V EEE & Affection
Thats all thats needed
Depleted of this makes me miss what I couldn't give my full appreciation
Depreciation of the my sanity has me wishing that I could've jus looked past the pain of not having your heart rather than part ways with the person I wanted 2 spend the rest of my days with
A person says with time things will be fine
But as I find time past me it seems as though my last may be coming soon
I'm so caught up in your love cause all I've wanted is you
But when I couldn't get you to accept me and my love for you the fact became more true with every moment
I won't ever be enough for U
Never good enough
Never as understanding as U needed me to be
So honestly that left a hole in my heart
I began 2 find these emotions elsewhere
But now cause of my choices I must suffer as I see the diamond I wanted so bad slip out my grasp
As I sit and get pushed more and more to the left to be left behind
All I can't do is sigh
I love U with all of me
But it seems to me that we will never be again
I will always hold on 2 U cause I've made my mind up
But it seems I'm doing nothing but wishing on luck

Perfect Picture

Visualize This!
A room filled with rose petals
Nice candle light
Nice slow music
To get the mood just right

Picture This!
Your favorite scent in the air
Your favorite candy on the bed
That whip cream I use
When I make U spread

Oh And What About This!
What about the bubble bath I ran for you
With yo favorite gellies
That soothes yo body
And gets you ready

Ready For What You Ask?
Ready for my smoove groove
That sends sensations through you
Got yo body quivering
From the things I do

Would You Like That?
Do you like the way that sounds
It would be better to see
Its better to witness this greatness
That you'll receive from me

So Do You Think You're Ready?
Are you ready for this love
Cause its the best
Cause I puts it down and nothing
And nothing less

So What It Is?
What is it gon be I know you thinkin bout it
So jus let me know
And you got it

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hell Fire

From left and right
Anger pounding my mind and heart
Fire brewing in my sight

And the fire inside of me burns
It's burning so quick
80 degrees now
And it won't quit

What am I suppose 2 do
Burning now at 100 degrees
Wanting 2 leash out and say something
Among other things

I'm SO confused
Worrying what 2 do
Leash out
Or keep my cool

Well that's jus the thing
I'm tired of fighting my anger
Tired of holdin it back
Tryna be the bigger man
Tryna be a class act

But this s*** is getting strenuous
Fire's getting 2 large 2 smother
Building stronger and stronger
As I suffer and suffer

This s*** is making me CRAZY
I'm goin f****** INSANE
The more I try 2 deal with it
The more it wrecks my brain

Then tryna forget it
Only makes it worst
As it resurfaces
As though I've been cursed

I mean really
What am I 2 do
Continue 2 hide my feelings Or let them go and live anew

But would it really make things better
When I think this way it blurs
Cause this is messing with my heart and mind
My soul and all my nerves

The fire just takes total control
Controls my thoughts and actions
The fire makes me angry and evil
For it's sick satisfactions

Fire burning so heavily
So Red

This hell I'm in
And jus adding 2 it
When I try 2 laugh and pretend

I must get away from the endless discomfort
I don't know
It's hard 2 say
With this curse repeating itself so

Some how, Some way
I must overcome this hell fire
So I can live calmly
And receive the peace I SO desire!

Beauty Is Her Name

Her Beauty over-whelms me
As I see the sparkle in her Eyes
She Absolutely takes control of me
Unveiling my emotional cries

She has me about To go crazy
I Yearn for her touch
And I yearn for her touch
Because I love it So much

And Her swagger is so erotic
So Erotic I can’t ignore
Really keeps me coming back
Now wanting more and more

But instead of hanging Around with me
She makes a Move past
But I Enjoy every minute
As if my last

But I can’t let her go on
Because she has stolen my heart
And from her
I don’t want to be apart

But I guess I have to let her go
And I’ll continue to play this wonderful game
With this woman that’s stolen my heart


What is LOVE?
This feeling that controls me
Holds Me!
Consoles Me!
And probes me to be the biggest fool I can be

Why does it make me bold
Willing to hold
The new and old
Down in my soul
Until I feel so cold
This feeling numbs me

And why does it make me hide
My feelings inside
Got me swallowing my pride
Crying tears from my eyes
Vision so blurry that I can see

But then again I love it
I love how it makes me feel
The feeling is so real
Gives me the ability to steal
A couple precious seconds of beautiful sanity

Love can be cool or cruel
But one thing about it
I can’t live with it or with without it
Get over it, I surely doubt it
Because love is just a part of me