Thursday, May 30, 2013

Please Better Me

Lord please forgive me for I have sins
My LORD my lies and deceit
Pile at my feet
And make it hard for me to walk
They stalk me
A hawk to it's prey
I lay open and oblivious
To this cycle of hell
Like a jail
But I can't seem to bail Myself out of this

Why must I suffer
When I'm ready and willing to change
Willing to exchange this life for another chance
To advance pass this mess that
I've dug myself into
I'm through with the tears Through the years that I've shed
And spread like the flu OOOO how the nausea bothers me so

As I let my feelings flow
I write to show
That though I've made these mistakes
My heart aches
And I want to do whatever it takes to start anew
And to add to that in fact I want to improve the areas I lack in
To end this tendency
To amend with a plee to the world that while my world twirls
From this point on the old me is gone
And that is how I will act upon any further situations

With these aspirations of mine
I hope to shine as bright as a light
Despite my dark past this I ask of you my LORD
Please award me with the strength to withstand
So that I may continue as planned to my glorious future
To you SIR I ask of this Please grant me this wish so that I may renew
Thank You!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Always There!!

In thought of what I could do
To honor U
On this special day
A way to say that I appreciate U
A way to say that with what we've been through
I'm still here for U
A way 2 say that although we've had our troubles
U can still count on me
To be
The person U need
When U want 2 confide in someone
Or when U jus wanna have fun
And when U think everything is done
I'm that shoulder U can cry on
And help lift the ton off Ur back
When things stack up
And U don't know what to do
See who?
See me
Cause I can guarantee that I will be waiting and willing
I'm just really writing this cause I don't want U to forget that I still care about U
And have U on my mind all the time
With every line of that poem that I stroked
Was what I wrote directly from the heart
And don't forget that part

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Apology

All I can do is say I'm sorry
I really am from the bottom of my heart
And the part that hurts me
Is to see U and kno that I've done the things I've done

Sun up and down
I've been around
Struting like a king
Doing my own thing
Basically not givin a damn about yo feelings

Dealing with me must have been hell
As I failed I
To fulfill yo needs
Thinkin about myself as yo heart pleads for attention
Not to mention the addition of me being a prick

But with every tick tock of my clock
I realize that I am TOTALLY wrong
And as I give U this apology
I would like to see things change between us
Thus with this I want to let U know
That I will show improve
I want us to move forward past this mess

Guess its up 2 U 2 accept this
I'm not expecting U 2 want 2 kiss and make up quick
But stick in there with me
And I guarantee that things will be different

Monday, May 27, 2013

Show...No Tell!!

Baby all bull aside
I've arrived to the fact
That talking gets me nowhere
And I care for U SO much
So because of such
On this day
I'm writing you this to say
That from this point on
I will be drawn
To making you understand
That I am your man
Also that you R the best thing that's happen 2 me
And I will act and treat U accordingly
I'm not saying that it will PERFECT
Because we all make mistakes
But with Ur heart at stake
I will take full responsibility for Ur heart
With this is where we start
The beginning of the rest of lives
And I will strive to be the best I can be

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Inspiration Inspire Me

Inspiration inspire me...Open up my heart and mind 2 find that love/hate that I store so that I can pour it on this piece of paper...Inspiration inspire me 2 pour it on this paper so that this paper will absorb my pain filled love filled lust filled ink...let it sink into the ridges formed by my pen again and again till this paper has been drowned by my questions, thoughts and concerns...Inspiration inspire me so that my questions, thoughts and concerns may pour...Let them pour until I am numb...SO numb...Only thing I want 2 feel is my heart beat and the streak and stroke of this pen...Inspiration inspire me

Friday, May 24, 2013

Free Flow 5

Eyes full of sin, again and again it runs through my mind
That fine frame
Just a shame 2 have all that and the bag if chips
Hips, lips, dips or shall I say curves deserve a standing O jus got what they deserve

Free Flow 4/Its Beautiful Lust!!

She's inspiration to my dreams!
The type of chick you make love to and remember every hump, bump, stick and lick
U remember the smooth groove that slips from her hips and to your axis and every fulfilling thrust that she sends back! Its BEAUTIFUL lust!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Head Strong

Smart girl...mind of yo own...head strong all the time...bae yo mind got me gone...U long for my matter the measure U jus wanna fulfill my "Jones"...Got me caught in yo world...In a whirl I and out out and in U take me in again and again till its time 2 begin again...I LOVE WHEN U'RE HEAD STRONG!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Late Night Thoughts

Caught mind stuck in time..kinda sucks considering things..brings me 2 this point..joints..papers..sweets..Anything 2 free me! BELIEVE ME..I can't lose the way I feel..I can only steal a couple precious crumbs of the love I wish was mines..Lately I find myself reminiscing..kissin you..touchin you..holdin you but really I don't need 2 waste my time..rewind that..its a fact that my time is up..but why give in 2 chance..its never helped me b4 so of course its not gon help me how do U feel about that..WAIT..I really don't care in fact cause good or bad it will only add 2 the way I feel and that's real...

The Runner

Pain...Pain...Go Away....U stain my eyes red...RED....RED....SO RED....mind lost and exhausted...RED RED RED...I hear U and I see U...RED...Mind sped up...erupted...corrupted...stuck in the battle...having 2 see U saddle up on Ur high horse...forced 2 live wit this pain...gain of being the one 2 blame....shame...same way I feel now I will always feel... filled out and sealed made out 2 U pain...what can I say...its like I can't get away from U...fucked...stuck...being a lesson in Ur book of ducks...The Runner....bearing all flaws on my back...but that's exactly the thing...This isn't my first time around the block...I've been down that road my feelings pour but for some reason this shit has been forced upon me...See one thing about me is Ima Lone Soldier...heart as cold as a cold shoulder...But as warm as a kiss on the shoulder, cheek, and lips...So why should my heart be put out and hung 2 dry...IDK why and I don't think I'll EVER find out.

Free Flow 3

Drowning in her love is the best! Yes! I must confess! When we lay, may I say, that I am simply consumed by her womb. As I long stroke, I soak in her essence. I LOVE HER PRESENCE!!!!

Physically Invisible

As the sun shines through the morning skies and hits my window ever so gently
My mind is immensely drowned by the thought of U
Ur stare I cannot bare, ur hair, ur style, ur smile
And for a while I began 2 physically feel U near
Physically feel ur pillow soft skin against mine
Eyes aligned wit mine
My mind suspended in time
Till a single crick or crack brings me back
And I continue 2 long for ur actual presence
Good Morning Love Of My Life

Free Flow 2

As I sit and think of where I could've been...Where I should've been...deep within I begin 2 second guess...Second guess this stress that I'm in...But God has alarmed me that this test that I'm in is for the best of me...Never sleep on the blessings set upon U because beyond U is great fate. God's never late. Always right on time and if U put the time in grinding HE WILL reward U with success!!

Free Flow

I ain't feeling this
This between me and U
See while you pursue whatever it is for U
See it from my point of view
We R totally different people
Totally different people who want different things
Which brings me 2 the point of why continue
Why continue wit this mess that's less than the best we can give
Rather than forgive and forget
We forgive then regret
Then relive the disrespect
And neglect
And the hate
A mistake if we were 2 go on like this
And piss poor make up can never make up for the things we go through
Who do U think I am
Not the one
So U continue 2 do U
Cause I'ma do me
And get back 2 my sanity

U Did That!!

U did that! All I can't think of is "U did that"...Simply cause U did...wit your lips, fingers tips, hips, Eyes wide, thighs twisted and turned as make love wildly. U grip my body tight...I hit jus right...Our bodies grind ever so gently....This is our art and it is SO LOVEly!!