Tuesday, December 30, 2014

No Pain No Pleasure: Chapter 8

No Pain No Pleasure: Chapter 8

Andrele left the house in that moment eager in search of the right words to say. Although eager, he was not at all nervous about what he would say and how he would say it. All he could think of was embracing her. Movie moments flooding this mental, he could only hope that Mercy would feel the same. But rejection was the furthest thing from his mind. In his mind nothing she could say or do could be a disappointment. He was going to lay it all out on the line.  He had to come to some kind of solution for the pickle of a situation they were currently dealing with. No matter what it took or how long it took a solution was required.

Andrele hurried down the front steps of the house, down the driveway and into his car. He pulled out his phone in effort of calling Tanya. He then began to connect his phone to the Bluetooth system in the car. He attempts to call her several times to no avail, no answer. He figured that he would go by her home. She had to be there. She was probably there trying to sort out her thoughts just as he had been doing. So he took one look into his rearview mirror and began to back out of the driveway.

“I must see her to…..”

At that moment Andrele’s Camaro was struck by a speeding oncoming car rolling from his blindside.

A wave of uncontrollable force plagued Andrele’s body thrusting him into the passenger side seat. He could see his whole world being turn upside down. His reality fading into the distance. His consciousness fading into the distance.

The thud from the crash echoed through the neighborhood streets causing some neighbors to search for the cause of the commotion. Of those emerging neighbors, Andrele’s family also stepped from the house to see what was going on and were immediately stricken by hysteria. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Andrele had just been safely in their company.

Pam was completely outraged. She could only muster enough power to yell,


Ken was the one to make the call.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“There has been a car accident at 3354 Harper Lane.” Ken continued the call.

“Ok sir, we have a unit en route, it should be there very soon, please stay on the line sir…...”

Before long the paramedics had arrived. They pulled Andrele from the car and carried him into the ambulance.

The ambulance sped from the scene to the hospital while Andrele’s family followed close behind. Still in totally disbelief, they couldn’t wait to hear that he was okay and was going to be fine. But as they drew closer to the hospital, they each would become wearier of whether that would be the news that they would be receiving. But nevertheless, they would eventually reach the hospital and would be seated in the emergency room to play the waiting game.

As this was going on, Andrele lay on a hospital bed in and out of consciousness while the doctors and nurses prep him for and run various tests on him. He could vaguely remember what he thought was the doctors and nurses asking him questions, most of which he could not answer.

“Sir we are going to run this test on you, we are going to need you to be very still.”

With that he went right back out.

Upon waking up again, he would be met with staring faces. It would be his family surrounding him anxious for a response from him.

“Oh my baby, how are you feeling?” his mother said as she raced to his bedside.

Andrele slowly sat upright and stared into his mother’s eyes.

“Who are you?” he said.

Confusion fell over Pam, then disappointment, then sadness. She would step out into the hallway to speak to a doctor.

“Dr…Meddleton,,,Hi…I’m the mother of the patient you have in room 7, Andrele Driek,…yes...” she said. “Is he ok…did you find anything wrong?”

“Well ma’am, from the description of the accident we needed to take every precaution we could to ensure that we could give you a 100% answer on his health.” the doctor said.

“Yes sir…I do understand…uh huh...” she said anxiously.

“With that said we were able to find that he will be fine ma’am.”

“He WILL be fine…what does that mean?”

“Ma’am he has no major ailments other than suffering from traumatic amnesia…but he will be fine…” he said. “This is very common in automobile accident cases.”

“Oh Jesus…” she said.

“Yes but he will be fine, it will take time and he will have to be here awhile but he will be fine.”

“Hey Mrs. Driek, I came down as soon as I heard, how is he doing?”

It was Tanya Mercy.

“The doctor here said that he has amnesia but no major injuries so he will be fine eventually.” Pam said. “Thank you for the update doctor.”

“No problem ma’am…if you have any other questions feel free to ask.”

“Thank you again Dr. Meddleton…” Pam said walking back toward the room.

Mercy followed Andrele’s mother toward the room but stopped her before entering the door.

“What exactly happened?” Mercy asked.

“I don’t know what exactly happened.” Pam said. “One moment he was in the house and the next moment he was in a car accident.”

“Oh my goodness.” Mercy said.

“But he was saying something about talking to you about some important business or something like that before he rushed out of the house.”

 “Important business…what import….”

At that moment it hit her. He was most likely rushing out of the house to talk to her about what happened earlier that morning and the night prior. Her heart began to sink as she noticed that she was possibly the cause of his accident.

They walked into the room to see that he was sitting up, in the same position that his mother had left him in. Mercy walked to his bedside slowly as Pam walked toward the family in order to explain what was going on with him. She was sure not to startle him. She took his hand.

“Hey Drele…”

“Drele?...who are you…what’s going on…why am I here?” he asked.

“Drele rest…you need to rest…” she said gripping his hand.

All Andrele could do was look into her gleaming eyes wondering who this lady standing in front of him was. But for Mercy on the other hand things were much different. Glaring at Andrele, moments of last night mixed with shades of their relationship before anything happened between them filled her mind. In her grasp was the hand of her boss. Also it was the hand of a man that she had just shared a night of passion with. But what she couldn’t understand was where the confusion was coming from. Before last night, she could say that she had the slightest of feeling for him. But here she stands now with this tingling feeling in her gut and water in her eyes. Was she feeling this way due to how close they are as professionals or how closely intimate they had been recently?

Andrele began mutter and ramble off words bewilderedly.

“Andrele you need to rest…Please rest Andrele.” she repeated.

 He would stop rambling but he still showed sign of confusion.

“Tanya I think that we are going to go now…as long as we are here we will only confuse him more.” his mother said. “If you’d like you can come to the house…We probably gon cook something sweetie.”

“You are right Mrs. Driek…I guess I will come over.” Mercy answered.

They would leave the hospital and head to Driek’s family’s house. Big Mama and Pam went into the kitchen to cook leaving Makita, Tanya and Ken in the living room.

“I know you haven’t been here much girl but make yourself at home..shit…everybody else does.” Kita said.

“Thank you Makita.” Mercy said. “I know it’s not a good time to talk about it but I just can’t believe that this has happened to him.”

“Yea it’s so crazy to me too.” Kita said. “First daddy…now Andrele.”

“Yea he was just telling me about that last nig…last night.” Mercy said.

“Uh huh girl…I don’t know what we gon do round here…this just been too much.” Kita said.

“How was Andrele acting before he left the house yesterday?”

“He was acting normal from what I saw…Being a douche bag as usual.” Kita said.

“Why do you say that?” Mercy asked.

“Cause he’s a douche bag.” Kita said laughing. “But seriously, he was just joking around when I told him that Ken and I were getting married.”

“Oh really…well congratulations girl.” Mercy replied.

“Thank you…Yea mama and Big Mama were telling me and Ken to do what makes us happy.”

Mercy could tell that Andrele was indirectly motivated to come talk to her by the conversation he had been a part of. Her allegation had been proven. But what would become of this. Currently he can’t even remember himself. She knew that it was impossible that he would ever remember what happened between them. Maybe it was better that way. Maybe he didn’t need to remember. It would only in fact make things difficult for them anyway. She was making the decision in her mind that she wouldn’t remind him of the occurrence. It was definitely for the best.

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