Tuesday, January 7, 2014

No Pain No Pleasure: Chapter 6

It was eleven thirty and Andrele was just making it home. After he and Mercy got to his place after the event, Andrele decided he would visit his father in the hospital. He went to the house to pick up his mother and they went to the hospital together.

On their way to the hospital, he still naturally felt some confusion. It wasn’t as bad as his intial feeling though. In his mind he had come to grips that the situation that he had made up in his mind was untrue. After he and his mother’s talk he realized things weren’t as they seemed to him. He realized that he couldn’t entirely blame Pat for his short comings. He made himself understand that the way things happened between his mother and father was the way that they chose to handle the situation and that he could do nothing to change that. The only thing that he had full control over was the present and future relationship between he and his father.

When they arrived Andrele was slightly nervous about finding out the condition of his father. He found himself hesitant to his father’s room as he could tell his mother was feeling the same way. He knew that, in the hospital’s care, they would be doing any and everything in their power to ensure Pat’s one hundred percent recovery but he couldn’t block out of his mind that fact that his condition could be getting worst.

From the parking lot to the entrance, the entrance to the elevator and the elevator to the Intensive Care Unit, Andrele had a bad feeling in his stomach. But hand in hand, he and his mother made their way to his room.

They walked through the door to see him still hooked up as already expected. Minutes after they arrived to his room a nurse came to greet them.

“Hello, you’re Mr. Driek’s family right?”

“Yes we are his wife and son.” Andrele’s mother answered.

“Hello again, my name is Andrea…I am assigned to Mr. Driek this shift…if you have any questions or concerns just let me know and I will do whatever I can do to fulfill your needs.” The nurse said.

“Hi Andrea…How is he doing?” Pam asked.

“From what I read on this board he’s doing pretty good.” she said. “He hasn’t had any complications or anything…if things stay this well then he is on his way to a speedy recovery.”

Suddenly the nervousness between Andrele and his mother had subsided. These words were just the words they needed to hear.

“Oh thank goodness!” Pam said.

“Yep, I’m sorry that he’s not up…I let him go to sleep not too long ago.” the nurse said. “I could wake him if you’d like.”

“No no no…we are fine…he needs all the rest he can get cause when he gets out here he has a lot of house work to do!” Pam said jokingly.

“Ok…great...well just buzz me if you need anything.” the nurse said laughing.

As the nurse left a calm quietness fell over the room. Pam then walked over to Pat’s bedside. She slowly caressed his face and kissed his forehead.

“He’s so calm.” she said. “The calmest I’ve seen him in a very long time.”

“Why you say that mama?" Andrele asked.

“He’s been on edge some much lately dealing with family issues, work issues and who knows what else…” she said. “He has always been one to hold things in!”

“Mama I’m so sorry for everything…I just…” Andrele began to say before he was interrupted by his mother.

“Sweetheart you don’t have to say a word…I understand how you feeling…you don’t have to apologize Andrele.” she said. “But I do want you to consider changing things between you and him son.”

“I understand mama and I honestly plan to.” he said. “This whole situation has changed my whole mindset of him…I can’t continue to act the way I act toward him…it’s just not fair.”

“I’m glad you came around Andrele…he deserves your love.” Pam said.

They both glance at Pat and share a hug.

Well that was how Andrele’s afternoon/evening went. After that he simply dropped this mother off at the house, talked to his sister and Big Mama for a while then went home. He was a little disappointed that Big Mama hadn’t cooked dinner yet. She had been waiting on Pam to get back home. She offered to cook for him but he didn’t want to wait so he just headed home. He was thinking that he could always stop by tomorrow and get some leftovers.

“Another long day.” He thought to himself as he took off his coat to unwind. “What do I have in the kitchen…probably nothing.”

He headed to the kitchen to see if he could find something to eat.

He began to raid his refrigerator in search of just the right dish for dinner. He had tilapia, chicken, ground beef, pork chops and more and still he couldn’t make up his mind.

“What shall I have?”

Suddenly he heard knocking at the door.

*Knock Knock Knock*

“Man who could this be at this time of night?”

He proceeded toward the door.

*Knock Knock Knock*

“I’m coming…hol up!”

*Knock Knock Knock*

Andrele opened the door and it was Tanya Mercy. She was wearing a short fitting black dress with red heels and a pretty disgusted look on her face.

“What took you so long to get to this door Drele…my feet already hurting from walking in these heels all night…plus I had to walk up them stairs…” she said. “As a matter of fact why I ain’t got a key…I need a key cause you be trippin!”

“You don’t pay no bills in here brah!” he said.

“I do pay yo bills and brah don’t call me brah.” she said.

“You pay MY bills wit MY money!”

“Hell, I pay MY bills wit yo money…what’s the difference?” she asked.

“You’re confusing me.” he said.

“Boy be quiet and go get me some socks or something…I gotta get outta these heels.” she said. “Footies please…cause yo foot is big as hell.”

Andrele laughed and went upstairs to go get the socks.

“Why the hell are you here anyway?” Andrele asked. “ Ain’t you ‘spose to wit James.”

“Must you always mock him?” she asked. “That’s so not cute.”

“I’m just saying!” he said.

“I’m just saying!” she said mocking as Andrele handed her the socks. ”You should give me a massage at it too.”


“Brah whay you yellin...its like eleven…don’t you got neighbors?” she said.

“It ain’t nothing but ten twenty and fuck them neighbors…I pay just like they pay.” he said. “But back to my question…why are you here?”

“I just can’t come visit?” she asked.


“Oh so it’s like that now?” she asked.

“Stop stalling and answer my question Mercy.”

“It was terrible!” she answered.

“You had sex wit him already?” he asked.

“”No…heaven’s no!” she said. “The date…it was horrible.”

With a devilish grin, Andrele asked Mercy what happened.

“I DON’T KNOW!” she answered. “He was EVERYTHING I expected him to be and that EVERYTHING annoyed the shit outta me!” she said.

Andrele couldn’t help himself. He burst out into laughter.

“I told you Mercy, I told you!” Andrele said. “That guy was SUPER cheesy!”

“Cheesy ain’t even the word Drele!” Mercy said. “Pompous, narcissistic, asshole, must I go on?

“Nawl nawl…” Andrele said continuing to laugh.

“After a while I just told him that I wasn’t feeling good and to just take me home!” she said. “I’m mad he know where I live.”

“Well did you at least get a meal out of it?”

“No, the place we went to on Paces Ferry was packed and then when we were finally getting seated I was too ready to go!” she answered.

“No Bueno!” he said. “Well I was about to cook…are you hungry?”

“I ain’t bout to let you kill me…I’m too young!” she said. “Plus its kinda late…I don’t wanna interfere wit yo lil skanks.”

“Mercy shut up!” he said. “I’ma cook…come in here in the kitchen.”

They went into the kitchen and continued to talk about the horrible date that Mercy had experienced. She explained how James Willis basically didn’t do anything but talk about himself and all his achievements all night. She even said how he had tried to make a couple jokes about Andrele.

“Mhmmm…that smells wonderful…what are you cooking?” she asked.

“I’m cooking blackened tilapia, corn, broccoli and creamy mashed potatoes.” he answered.

“Oh shit…let me find out!”

“I mean it’s just sumn slight!” he said. “It’s almost done.”

“Ok Ok…so what did you do for the rest of the day?” she asked.

“Umm I went to visit my father in the hospital with my mother.” he said.

“Oh really…how is he doing…how did it go?”

“Oh he’s doing ok and the visit went ok too…I’ve just come to grips with the fact that what I thought was going on was wrong and that I need to move on and make the relationship between me and him better!” he answered.

Mercy began to clap her hands.

“Now that’s a good boy!” she said to him as if she was talking to a baby.

“Aye cut that shit out and get a plate so you can get this food.” he said. “As a matter of just go to the table…I got you.”

“Aight well I ain’t at no five star restaurant so don’t skimp my plate!” she said laughing.

“Aight I won’t”

Andrele fixed both of their plates and brought them to the table.

“I’m bout to show you how it’s ‘spose to be done.” he said jokingly. “I’m bout to pop this bottle of wine…you want some?”

“Sure that’s fine.”

The two began to eat. Mercy took a bite of the fish.

"This fish is delicious and the veggies and seasoned perfectly…where did you learn to cook so well?” she asked.

"From my mama and Big Mama…I used to be in the kitchen helping all the time.” he said. “Ever since I was a lil boy.”

“Well it paid off cause this food is really good…I might have to come over for dinner more often.”

“Shit I wouldn’t mind…you are welcome anytime.” he said.

“Cool then!”

They began to get lost in conversation and wine. They began to talk about childhood memories, family, college and even how they came about their respective career paths. Mercy initially wanted to become a psychologist but decided not to follow it because it was easier to follow in her father’s footsteps a public relations professional. But ultimately it was a decision that she does not regret.

Caught up in convo, they headed to the living room where they settled in on the couch.

“Oh whatever…that is not true!” Mercy shouted.

“What ain’t?” he asked.

“SpongeBob is not gay!”

“Are you serious…let’s be real…he had a baby wit Patrick.” Andrele answered.

“Man whatever…let’s not even go there.” she said. “Oh my goodness…what time is it?”

“I don’t know!” he replied.

“Check yo phone fool.” she said.

"Oh…yea…right….hol up.” he said looking for his phone.

“It’s right there!”

“Right there where?” he asked as he scrambled for his phone.

“I got it.” she said. “Its almost three o’clock…I gotta be getting home!”

“Yea it is pretty late.”

Mercy took to stand up, stumbled and fell back on the couch. In the act she dropped Andrele’s phone on the floor.

“Oops I’m sorry!”

They both went to pick up the phone and bump heads.

“Ouch…yo big ass head!” Andrele said.

“I know U ain’t talking!” she replied.

“Just give me the phone.”

Andrele snatched the phone from Mercy’s hand.

“Don’t be snatchin shit from me!” she said as she snatched the phone back.

Before long they began tussling for the phone and end up both falling to the floor. Mercy falls on top of Andrele. They both started laughing aimlessly.

The laughter subsides for a moment and then Mercy kisses Andrele. The magic lasted for a few seconds and stops abruptly.

“Wha…Wha…What was that?” he asked.

“I don’t know…I’m so sorry…I really must go!”

"No…” he said as he rolls on top of Mercy and started to kiss her again.

Instead of resisting, Mercy gave in to Andrele placing her hand behind his head.

They aggressively kissed one another holding back nothing. Andrele began to kiss Mercy’s neck. Mercy gripped his back as she removed his shirt. She gripped his torso as he continued to kiss her neck and lips. Mercy’s body began to shiver from the soft kisses he began to plant on her body. He grabbed hold of her, picked her up and carried her up the stairs to his bed. He laid her on the bed and pulled up her dress asking her to take it off.

After she had taken off her dress Andrele crouched down over the bed and penetrated Mercy. Andrele stroked her softly as Mercy moaned and scratched his back.

 “Lay down!” she whispered in his ear.

He lay back on the bed. Mercy climbed on top of Andrele and began to ride him. He gripped her waist as she bounced up and down.

“Ah…fuck me Drele fuck me…” she yelled.

Andrele pulled her down and grabbed her by her shoulders and began to stroke her harder and faster.

“Yes Drele Yes…just like that…oh shit!”

They continued this way until they both fell asleep from love-making’s bliss.

What would await them when the morning sun awoke them?

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